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nature, outdoors, shelters, survival -

We never, ever think our trips to the Great Outdoors could ever go poorly, but what if, on the off chance, they did? What if you took a wrong turn and got lost? What would you do if you had to hunker down over night? Most people remember that your basic survival needs are food/water, shelter and clothing. This article focuses on the second of those listed: shelter. If something happens, would you be able to build a shelter to protect you from the elements?  When it comes to building an emergency shelter there are some obvious things that come...

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exercise, fitness, health, nature, outdoors -

With National Get Outdoors Day being tomorrow, it has gotten me thinking about the excuses we use for not getting outdoors and the benefits that result from when we actually do #GetOut and #DoMore. Everyone knows they need to be more active. Let's face it, you can't turn on the TV, scroll through Facebook or drive down the road without seeing or hearing a reminder about getting in shape. We also know the overall health benefits that come from exercise and activity: live longer, avoid health problems. So, why do we continually put off getting outdoors, especially after we complain...

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art, awesome, beautiful, nature, outdoors -

We love all things nature here at Squatch Watch Gear and when we saw the video below by musician, Vaski, being shared around Facebook we had to take a closer look.   This is really amazing! Gravity Glue Posted by Vaski on Saturday, May 16, 2015   Pretty neat, huh? This stone balancing art is done by artist Michael Grab and he sells prints and calendars featuring his work under Gravity Glue. He began performing these insane balancing feats merely on a whim in 2008 while exploring Boulder Creek in Boulder, CO. Check out more of his work at his website...

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