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Bigfoot, film, footage, Sasquatch, weird -

The video above was uploaded by Steve Blackstone, owner of the YouTube channel "The Paranormal Review". This video, purportedly filming a Sasquatch, was sent to Blackstone by the man who shot the footage. The film was said to be shot in the Payson Canyon region of Utah County.  The individual, who wishes to remain anonymous, claimed last spring (we are presuming Spring of 2015) he was filming a stream and became distracted by an object rolling down the hill. As you can see in the footage, the film maker quickly turned his camera to find a dark being moving through the...

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Bigfoot, investigation, news, police, Sasquatch, weird -

It's not every day you run across a news report about law enforcement officials conducting a search for Bigfoot or Sasquatch. However, that is exactly what Fox 35 News has reported the Sheriff's department of Marion County, Florida doing. Of a sort. The department is actually searching for a cutout of the elusive beast. The nine-foot tall silhouette was stolen from the yard of a residence in the Lake Tropicana area.  For more information concerning the theft, check out the Fox 35 Orlando page.  

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film, Kickstarter, movie, Sasquatch, Small Town Monsters -

Some of you may be familiar with the documentary film series Small Town Monsters, a small outfit that has independently funded and produced films such as "Minerva Monster" and "Beast of Whitehall". The film series recently announced and set up a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for its newest endeavor: "Boggy Creek Monster: The Truth Behind the Legend". The film is set to explore the true story behind the 1971 independent horror film, "The Legend of Boggy Creek", that told a story of a fantastical beast that terrorized the small community of Fouke, Arkansas. For as little as a dollar you...

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Bigfoot, investigation, outdoors, Sasquatch -

In May 2015, members of Squatch Watch Gear and their friends were invited to investigate an area North of Van Buren, Arkansas for possible Bigfoot activity. Reports had come in that a creature had been spotted, footprints had been found and strange sounds had been heard in the area. We were intrigued and excited to investigate the area. Our investigation took place around two different locations along a long, winding creek. Our first stop included hiking up a short hill and bluff that overlooked the creek and small valley. We broke up into two groups along a trail and for...

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Bigfoot, fitness, Goals, half marathon, health, outdoors, running, Sasquatch -

Week 1 of my half marathon training is complete. If you don't remember, I signed up earlier this week to participate in a Star Wars themed runDisney half marathon in Disney World in April 2016. It was a fairly uneventful week until tonight. Today was my long run day, in which I needed to run 5 miles. I finally got around to doing so around 10:00 PM tonight. I used to think of long runs as a huge time wasting time sink. This thought made me hate them. I still dislike them, due to the time commitment, but I see...

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