Man Claims to Film Bigfoot in Utah
The video above was uploaded by Steve Blackstone, owner of the YouTube channel "The Paranormal Review". This video, purportedly filming a Sasquatch, was sent to Blackstone by the man who shot the footage. The film was said to be shot in the Payson Canyon region of Utah County.
The individual, who wishes to remain anonymous, claimed last spring (we are presuming Spring of 2015) he was filming a stream and became distracted by an object rolling down the hill. As you can see in the footage, the film maker quickly turned his camera to find a dark being moving through the heavily wooded hillside.
Take a moment to watch the video. What do you think it is? Bear? Man in a suit? Bigfoot? Sound off in the comments below or on our Facebook page.
Additional information can be found on the article published by the Salt Lake Tribune.
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Agreed. Hopefully someday we’ll have something good to look at.
You would think that with all the technology we have today, someone that films on of these would have a camera that has auto focus so we could see things clearly.