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Police in Missouri Town to Cull Deer
Earlier this week, I read an article about the town of Ellisville, Missouri deciding to allow their police force to cull an overabundant deer population. According to the article the town's mayor, Adam Paul, stated the population of deer has reached 52 deer per [square] mile and city officials have a goal of reducing said numbers down to approximately 30 deer per [square] mile. Now it's no question that the population is high, but the method the city has chosen to cull the population has become somewhat of a controversial topic among town citizens and even in the hunting community....
Bigfoot Hunters Hamper Search for Texas Marijuana Suspects
Today, a handful of reports have come out of Texas about a $6.5 million marijuana farm being located by local officials. While the story itself is mildly interesting, it's not the reason I wanted to draw attention to it. Most reports mention in passing that Bigfoot hunters have hampered the police search for suspects behind the marijuana farm. While there are few details about what actually happened, our guess is the Bigfoot hunters were mistaken by local authorities as the marijuana growers, at least for a short time. This incident, though, brings up an important "note to self" moment: be...
Perseid Meteor Shower Images
We discussed in a previous blog about our journeying to the great outdoors to view the Perseid Meteor shower. The evening was absolutely spectacular, and our Oklahoma weather played very nice that evening. Over the course of the three or so hours we were in the field, John Sullivan, Carlus Call and myself together witnessed approximately 100 meteors streaking across the moonless night sky. While there, John Sullivan, our staff photographer, also captured some amazing images of the Milky Way, and even managed to snag a few with meteors streaking across the frame. Check out a few of the outstanding photographs...
Man Catches Monster While Kayak Fishing
When I think of kayak fishing, I generally think of fishing along the rivers and tributaries found in Oklahoma and Arkansas. So, when our Content Curator, Joel Thomas, showed me the mega-fish the man in this video caught off the coast of Cape Coral, Florida I was floored. Check out the video for yourself. Insane. The fish, which is a Goliath Grouper, I believe, is nearly as big as the kayak from which this individual is fishing. How would you like to catch something this large in a boat this tiny? Let us know by commenting below or commenting on...
Lion vs. Deer
The past few weeks I've seen videos of bear attacking deer, bears chasing buffalo and even bears chasing people. Apparently bears have been busy lately. But I haven't seen many videos of mountain lions. So when Squatch Watch Gear Content Curator, Joel Thomas, texted me this video, I was intrigued. The video, from 2001, portrays a mountain lion attacking and bringing down a full grown mule deer buck. Check it out below. Warning: the video contains images that may be too intense for some viewers. What do you think? Feel free to comment here or on our Facebook page.
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