Jeff Meldrum to Speak in Montpelier, Idaho
Dr. Jeff Meldum, professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University will make two presentations at the National Oregon/California Trail Center in Montpelier, Idaho on the 14th and 15th of April, 2017.
Meldrum, who many would claim is a legend and champion in the Bigfoot community, will offer a presentation on the 14th beginning at 7:30PM titled "Sasquatch and Other Wildmen: The Search for Relict Hominoids". This presentation will discuss the views of science towards the possibility of man-like species surviving and living among us today. Dr. Meldrum will be available for book signings beginning at 6:00PM.
On the 15th, Dr. Meldrum will discuss "50 Years of the Patterson-Gimlin Film". As any fan of Bigfoot knows, the Patterson-Gimlin film, which was filmed in 1967, is heralded as the premier piece of evidence for the existence of Bigfoot and is still widely beloved and criticized 50 years later. Meldrum will delve into the analysis of the film during his presentation. He will be available prior to the presentation from 1:00PM to 7:00PM for questions and book signing.
Clear your calendar and plan to attend both events. Admission for each event costs $10.00. Contact the National Oregon/California Trail Center directly at (208) 847-3800 for additional information about these events.