Survival Shelters
We never, ever think our trips to the Great Outdoors could ever go poorly, but what if, on the off chance, they did? What if you took a wrong turn and got lost? What would you do if you had to hunker down over night?
Most people remember that your basic survival needs are food/water, shelter and clothing. This article focuses on the second of those listed: shelter. If something happens, would you be able to build a shelter to protect you from the elements?
When it comes to building an emergency shelter there are some obvious things that come into play, such as "what materials do I have access to?" and "how much time do I have to build a shelter?" If you're in the desert, then you likely won't be building a lean-to out of fallen limbs, and if a storm is fast approaching, then you likely will not be building an elaborate round hut. In forested environments, fallen limbs and boughs from cedars can be used to build a variety of different shelters from lean-tos, tee-pees, huts and more.
A tarp could be one of the most useful items you take with you on a hiking trip, especially if the need arose to create an emergency shelter. With a few pieces of rope and stakes, you could easily create an emergency shelter to keep you dry and away from wind. Of course, if you are camping, then you can always just throw your tent out.
The next time you're in the woods, you might try practicing building a simple shelter. If you have children, then this could be a fun exercise for them and a great opportunity to teach them some valuable skills to use while adventuring.
Check out these suggestions from Outdoor Life ranging from simple to elaborate. Which ones seem the most feasible? Which could you build in an emergency situation? Keep in mind that building a shelter is useless if you spend all your energy constructing it.
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