Journey to the Half - Week 7
Week 7 is over and done with and I think I've hit the point of my training where all the "easy" runs are over. Easy as in the 20-30 minute training times are no longer there. Now it's a minimum of 40 minutes and my long runs look to be 6+ miles every week from here until April. Time commitment now.
As I mentioned in a previous blog, the time commitment is what kills me. I don't mind the running or the distance. I just wish I could run 7 miles in twenty minutes and get it over with. With a schedule that is already full with work, church and a multitude of my children's activities, finding an extra hour and a half in the day to workout is almost impossible. However, completing this race without walking in April is important to me, so I'm making it work.
Be on the lookout in the next day or two for an article I plan to write about m journey and decision to begin running and working out. If you are already working out, I hope it encourages you to continue to do so. If you haven't started anything, yet, I hope it inspires you to get out and start doing something, even if you feel it is small and insignificant.
Until next time!
Weekly Totals
Days ran: 3 days
Total miles: 8.78 miles
Longest run: 3.50 miles
Journey to the Half - Week 6 | Journey to the Half - Week 8