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awesome, knowledge, quiz -

While this is a little out of scope of our usual posts about nature, camping or Bigfoot, I thought this would be a fun thing to share with our fans. I have a friend who is a professor and every semester he gives his students a General Knowledge Quiz. Questions on the quiz, which are different each semester, range from anything in history, arts, science, math, geography, literature and just about anything else you can imagine. The only caveat to the quiz is this: my friend knows the answers without having to look it up in a book or search...

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awesome, Goals, Habits, Inspiration, life, success -

I trained myself to put my phone down. Yes. Trained. It was a habit. That little red dot with a white number inside letting me know that someone had taken enough time out of THEIR day to "like" or "comment" on something of MINE was like a drug that beckoned me to just tap on it and drink in the ego-stroking goodness that came with seeing another thumbs up on one of my posts, pictures or comments.

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Beginning Wednesday, August 12 through August 13, the Perseid Meteor shower will reach its peak. According to NASA, the Perseids will have a peak potential of 100 meteors per hour on the nights of August 12-13, 2015. The Perseids are active from July 13 through August 26, this year. As the name implies, the Perseid radiant, or where the meteors appear to originate, is from the constellation Perseus, which for people in the United States can be found in the Northeastern sky. Best viewing times will likely be from midnight to pre-dawn hours on the 13th as the constellation Perseus...

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Goals, Habits, Inspiration -

Welcome to the first article in a blog series about reclaiming lost minutes in your day and reconnecting to what is truly important in your life. Have you ever reached the end of the day and wondered where it went or tried to figure out what you did? Does that upset you, to go through an entire day and feel as though you had nothing to show for it? Or perhaps you figured out you spent more time reading posts on Facebook than you did enjoying the company of your family and friends? How and why does this happen? A...

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awesome, Bigfoot, Sasquatch, weird -

When normal men make bets, there is usually a clearly defined winner and a clearly defined loser. Usually the bet entails the exchanging of monies from loser to winner, the loser must perform some task for the winner or perhaps a steak dinner was bought for the winner. However, when friends of mine bet, well, all bets are off. Earlier this year, a couple friends of mine made a bet over a sporting event. The two decided that the loser would wax their chest with the Roman numeral two for the entire summer. The winner? The winner had to shave...

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